Luke Malone
Luke Malone

Professional Qualifications

  • Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting)
  • Member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants Australia
  • Registered Company Auditor


Luke has more than 15 years’ experience providing assurance and audit services to private sector government, and not for profit entities.

Luke holds the role of Director in Prosperity’s Corporate Assurance group. He specialises in the provision of external audits, risk management reviews, due diligence and corporate governance. Prior to joining Prosperity, Luke was a senior manager within Strategic Growth Markets in the corporate assurance division of Ernst & Young.
Lukes experience is predominantly working with listed companies, private equity backed investee companies and entrepreneurial businesses who are looking to grow their businesses towards a future exit. He has worked with a number of private equity backed investee companies and has assisted them on the journey of growth towards both private sale and IPO. Luke has recent experience with a newly listed mining company in assisting this company through the IPO journey.
Past experience also includes working with the Audit Commission in London and Audit Office of New South Wales.
Luke has worked across a vast array of industries including retail, property, manufacturing, private equity, biotechnology, telecommunications, information technology, mining, professional services and franchise.
Luke develops long term relationships with his clients using a collaborative approach and sound commercial judgement, ensuring a no surprises approach. Luke has a deep commercial understanding of his clients’ businesses and seeks to bring value add solutions to assist his clients in their growth strategies.



Alex Hardy
Alex Hardy
Director of Corporate Assurance
Andrew Hibbert
Andrew Hibbert
Associate Director, Self Managed Superannuation and Offshoring