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When you work with Prosperity, we work with you and your business to bring all of the pieces together. We understand your business and become part of your team.
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The Latest in Government

Federal Budget for a New Generation of Prosperity Image

Federal Budget for a New Generation of Prosperity

Federal Budget 2024: A Budget for a new economy and a new generation of prosperity Image

Federal Budget 2024: A Budget for a new economy and a new generation of prosperity

Save Money and Reduce Emissions with QLD Government Rebates for Business Energy-Efficient Equipment Image

Save Money and Reduce Emissions with QLD Government Rebates for Business Energy-Efficient Equipment

A look back at fundraising reforms in 2023 Image

A look back at fundraising reforms in 2023

A Budget Offering Cost of Living Relief and Prioritising Those Most in Need Image

A Budget Offering Cost of Living Relief and Prioritising Those Most in Need

New payroll tax pains for dental practices Image

New payroll tax pains for dental practices

The state of play in government – a check-in on the operational issues facing our state and local agencies  Image

The state of play in government – a check-in on the operational issues facing our state and local agencies

Queensland Government launches Payroll Tax Amnesty Program for contracted GPs Image

Queensland Government launches Payroll Tax Amnesty Program for contracted GPs

Payroll Tax Discount for Regional Queensland Businesses  Image

Payroll Tax Discount for Regional Queensland Businesses

Federal Budget 2022-23 Image

Federal Budget 2022-23

Queensland land tax effects on investors Image

Queensland land tax effects on investors

Increased rebates available under NSW Small Business Rebate Image

Increased rebates available under NSW Small Business Rebate

Federal Budget 2022 – Temporary measures, uncertain times  Image

Federal Budget 2022 – Temporary measures, uncertain times

Federal Budget Briefing with Dr John Hewson AM Image

Federal Budget Briefing with Dr John Hewson AM

Federal Budget Briefing for your Small Business Image

Federal Budget Briefing for your Small Business

Director ID and Modernising Business Registers Image

Director ID and Modernising Business Registers

NSW Business Grant deadline extended until Friday 1 October 2021 Image

NSW Business Grant deadline extended until Friday 1 October 2021

Warning about spam email attempts Image

Warning about spam email attempts

Federal Budget Analysis 2021: Cash Splash for Economic Recovery Image

Federal Budget Analysis 2021: Cash Splash for Economic Recovery

NSW Budget: Not just entertainment vouchers, but also a tax reform roadmap Image

NSW Budget: Not just entertainment vouchers, but also a tax reform roadmap

Full expensing of depreciating assets now available Image

Full expensing of depreciating assets now available

Loss carry-back provisions announced in the Budget now enacted Image

Loss carry-back provisions announced in the Budget now enacted

Federal Budget Analysis 2020: Setting the path to economic recovery Image

Federal Budget Analysis 2020: Setting the path to economic recovery

Federal Budget Briefing with Dr John Hewson AM Image

Federal Budget Briefing with Dr John Hewson AM

ATO announces new shortcut method for claiming work from home deductions during the COVID-19 period Image

ATO announces new shortcut method for claiming work from home deductions during the COVID-19 period

Pubs and clubs survival checklist - what you can do in this difficult situation Image

Pubs and clubs survival checklist - what you can do in this difficult situation

Company Tax Cuts – don’t let the good story turn into a franking nightmare Image

Company Tax Cuts – don’t let the good story turn into a franking nightmare

What to do if you have missed a superannuation payment for employees Image

What to do if you have missed a superannuation payment for employees

Property Market in Australia: how much do you know? Image

Property Market in Australia: how much do you know?




Australia expected to follow French New Era of Corporate Governance Image

Australia expected to follow French New Era of Corporate Governance

Government delivers good news for business to support economic growth Image

Government delivers good news for business to support economic growth

‘Backpacker Tax’ Back-Pedal Image

‘Backpacker Tax’ Back-Pedal

Jacqui Lambie’s push for a reduction in the ‘backpacker tax’ to 10.5% has won senate approval yesterday.

Major US Tax changes imminent following Trump victory Image

Major US Tax changes imminent following Trump victory


NSW Stamp Duty relief has arrived! Image

NSW Stamp Duty relief has arrived!

We are pleased to confirm that the NSW Government has finally passed changes to stamp duty.

If the stress of selling or buying a $2m plus property isnt enough…dont forget about informing the Tax Office Image

If the stress of selling or buying a $2m plus property isnt enough…dont forget about informing the Tax Office

If you are thinking about selling Australian property valued at $2m or more, your ever growing To Do list should include this item: “Get Tax Office clearance certificate”.

Economic Update: Zigzagging markets looking for some summer confidence Image

Economic Update: Zigzagging markets looking for some summer confidence

World markets took a hit last quarter with a myriad of negative or concerning news, ranging from Scotland’s independence referendum, Hong Kong’s pro-democracy protests and the US and several other nations’ air forces entering in to Syria to fight against ISIS.

Government initiatives to further boost inward investment Image

Government initiatives to further boost inward investment

Prosperity Fountainguard Advisers welcomes the Federal Government initiatives announced under the Industry and Competitiveness Agenda that will expand the Investor Visa Programme.

Share scheme changes herald clever country thinking Image

Share scheme changes herald clever country thinking

A significant concession, and improvement, was announced to the Employee Share Scheme rules on Tuesday by the Federal Government.

New South Wales fights for a bigger share of Significant Investor Visas as the Federal Government tries to curb leverage Image

New South Wales fights for a bigger share of Significant Investor Visas as the Federal Government tries to curb leverage

New South Wales (NSW) has introduced measures to increase its competitiveness in attracting Significant Investor Visa candidates.

Government freezes super guarantee Image

Government freezes super guarantee

The government has announced that it will freeze the superannuation guarantee at 9.5% until 2021.

Economic update: Housing and property leading the economy again Image

Economic update: Housing and property leading the economy again


In the wake of the Federal Budget consumer confidence has dipped in the quarter to June and our resilient Australian dollar is continuing to make our domestic outlook more difficult than it needs to be.

Avoiding uncommercial borrowing conditions Image

Avoiding uncommercial borrowing conditions

New penalty scheme for SMSF trustees Image

New penalty scheme for SMSF trustees

From July 1 2014 the ATO will have increased powers to issue a range of penalties to SMSF trustees found to be in breach of superannuation laws.

Chinese investors heading our way Image

Chinese investors heading our way

Watch our Federal Budget Briefing live Image

Watch our Federal Budget Briefing live

Federal Budget 2014 – “Lifters not leaners” Image

Federal Budget 2014 – “Lifters not leaners”

An old proverb says “people unite over problems but divide over solutions”. The weight of expectation lies heavily on Joe Hockey’s first Federal Budget to solve many many long standing fiscal problems without creating a war in the voter base over the solutions.

Take our Federal Budget Poll Image

Take our Federal Budget Poll


Take the Prosperity Advisers post-Budget Poll so we can understand your sentiment better.




Fountainguard – Prosperity Advisers joint venture to build inroads to Chinese market Image

Fountainguard – Prosperity Advisers joint venture to build inroads to Chinese market


Continued investment to drive future growth of the Asia Business Desk

National Commission of Audit: Clearing the way for another golden age? Image

National Commission of Audit: Clearing the way for another golden age?

The sun has risen on first day after the release of the National Commission of Audit (NCOA) report on the efficiency of the Commonwealth Government.

National Commission of Audit: Summary of recommendations Image

National Commission of Audit: Summary of recommendations

On 1 May 2014 the Federal Government released its National Commission of Audit (NCOA) findings on streamlining the efficiency of government. The comprehensive scope of the report leaves little to the imagination and is expected to form the central blueprint for the 2014 Federal Budget.

Economic update : the state of the economy and the markets leading up to the Federal Budget Image

Economic update : the state of the economy and the markets leading up to the Federal Budget

The budget is coming. With just two weeks to go it looks like, the Government will deliver a budget with a strong long term outlook and an amount of short-term pain including the introduction of a debt levy.

Help is available to those struggling after the devastating week in NSW Image

Help is available to those struggling after the devastating week in NSW

It has been a rough week of weather for parts of New South Wales (NSW) and we all know someone who has been affected

Government Incentives Image

Government Incentives

As we approach 30 April it is useful time to think about Government incentive programs. This is because 30 April marks 10 months from the end of the financial year and is therefore the deadline for the lodgement of your R&D project details with Austrade.

Prosperity’s Steve Cribb warns of ATO ramp up on TEN eyewitness news Image

Prosperity’s Steve Cribb warns of ATO ramp up on TEN eyewitness news

WATCH: Prosperity’s Steve Cribb warns of ATO ramp up on TEN eyewitness news

Act NOW if you wish to access immediate tax deductions for your small business Image

Act NOW if you wish to access immediate tax deductions for your small business

The Government is planning to remove the immediate tax deduction for depreciating assets costing less than $6,500 and the accelerated depreciation allowances for motor vehicles which are currently available to small businesses (i.e. businesses with an annual aggregate turnover of less than $2 million).

Green Shoots Image

Green Shoots

The Federal Election has come and gone, leaving the result most business owners and investors were expecting but will the confidence instilled by a more stable Government bring the green shoots Australia needs?

Economic Update: The end of quantitative easing troubles markets Image

Economic Update: The end of quantitative easing troubles markets

The last quarter, and more particularly, the last month has seen a fairly negative bias across most Australian and international equity markets.

Tax Tips to consider before 30 June 2013 Image

Tax Tips to consider before 30 June 2013


With less than two weeks until the end of the financial year and after a federal budget designed to take away a bigger share of income than in previous years, there is no better time to put some effort into year-end planning.

Tax tips to consider before 30 June 2014 Image

Tax tips to consider before 30 June 2014

There is less than a month until the end of the financial year and following on from a very tough Federal Budget this is shaping up to be a very important year-end for tax planning. 

The Federal Budget 2013-2014: Comedy or Tragedy? Image

The Federal Budget 2013-2014: Comedy or Tragedy?

As potentially the final act plays out in Treasurer Wayne Swan’s Federal Budget performances, it is perhaps fitting to ask the question – was this long drama a comedy or a tragedy?

Could this year’s federal budget really be Swan’s song? Image

Could this year’s federal budget really be Swan’s song?

Doom and gloom or the roaring bull? Image

Doom and gloom or the roaring bull?

While interest rates may need to fall a bit further, green shoots of recovery suggest we are at or near the low and more importantly, point to an improvement in economic and profit growth over a 12 month horizon, according to Dr Shane Oliver, Chief Economist from AMP.

Are these the greatest opportunities in Asia right now? Image

Are these the greatest opportunities in Asia right now?

The Asian Financial Forum last month brought together 1200 business leaders from throughout the Asia Pacific region and addressed many of the economic opportunities and issues that matter.

Is the Australian Mining Boom Over? Image

Is the Australian Mining Boom Over?

Reading the newspaper, one could be forgiven for thinking that the Australian Mining economy had stopped cold.

Economic Update – September 2012 Image

Economic Update – September 2012

Following consecutive cuts in April and May, the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) left the overnight cash rate unchanged at 3.50% in July and in August.

Tax Office using discretion to stretch the Trust Image

Tax Office using discretion to stretch the Trust

Following an eventful 18 months in the Courts fighting taxpayers over disputes regarding the effectiveness & legitimacy of distributions by trustees (Bamford’s case), the Tax Office has announced new compliance measures for trustees of discretionary trusts in relation to 2012 trust distributions.

Economic Update: March 2012 Image

Economic Update: March 2012

Quarter 1 of 2012 brought mixed messages in Australia, with two months of strength, followed by a weaker March.

Economic Matters: January 2012 Image

Economic Matters: January 2012

The fourth quarter of 2011 was rather lackluster, with Australia declining in confidence and market strength on the equity, commodity and property fronts into year-end.

Kickbacks – Are they a problem in your Department? Image

Kickbacks – Are they a problem in your Department?

Disciplinary action from the investigations into corruption in our State and Local Governments littered the press recently, with many Councils and State Government Departments now under increasing internal and external scrutiny over contracts awarded and gifts received.